Thursday, November 29, 2007 |
Make Your Dog Unique with a Custom Leather Dog Collar |
Dog collars are a necessity if you want to ensure that your dog will always be safe and sound. Most dog collars are used to reflect the personality of the dog and the style and character of the owner. This is because it is the owner who actually chooses the collar. If you have a dog, it will not be long before you are close to him or her and would want him to be as unique in his accessories as he is to you.
Even though there are many dog accessories available when it comes to the dog collar many dog owners are very picky and particular. The good news is that you can create a custom leather dog collar of your choice whenever and however you wish.
posted by Simon @ 5:24 AM  |
Sunday, November 25, 2007 |
A Special Dog Deserves a Custom Dog Collar |
Dogs come in all sizes, colors, temperaments and breeds. Each dog has a very special personality that deserves special treatment. The custom dog collar will ensure that a special dog gets special treatment. The usual selection of dog collars come in a limited number of colors, but look around and you will see that dogs come in many different colors. There are yellow Labradors and chocolate Labradors each with their own personality. There are beautiful collies with markings that are distinctive and distinguished. The little Yorkies have beautiful colors that are completely different from the colors in any other dog. Although dogs come in such a wonderful array of colors, the regular dog collars do not come in such an array. The solution to enhancing and complementing the array of colors in the dogs around the world is to find a custom dog collar that will make the gorgeous colors in each dog’s coat shine more brightly. Fortunately, there are many collars available. There are specialty shops that provide a wide variety of custom dog collars that will complement of the color of each and every dog. Collars are available in many different colors and also in a variety of prints, plaids and stripes to provide for the most treasured dog in town. Custom Dog Collars Provide Security and Fashion The custom dog collars available have beautiful designs and colors, but these custom dog collars also have special security features to protect a treasured dog. The custom dog collars on the market can be made with the name of the dog and its owner as well as the phone number of the owner. The information could lead to the protection of the dog in case of an emergency. Many people will look after a dog that is obviously lost, and most do not want to send the dog to the pound for fear the dog will be put to sleep. The appropriate information on the dog’s collar could save the dog should he get separated from the owner. A custom dog collar can also be purchased with other safety features that will protect the dog should he be separated from a loving owner. A collar can be made in material that will shine in the dark. These materials will alert a driver if the dog wanders into the road accidentally. A custom dog collar with the name of the dog and a phone number embroidered into the cloth takes the place of a collar with a medal tag that jingles constantly as the dog walks about the house or yard. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Simon @ 10:30 PM  |
Thursday, November 22, 2007 |
The Use of a Dog Collar Light |
Dogs are known as man’s best friend for a reason: they are faithful, loving and love you selflessly for their entire life. Those of us who have had a dog know the joys of coming home to be greeted by face that is always happy to see you no matter what. Dogs are also a great responsibility even if they don’t demand it of you. They need to be taken for walks and exercise besides ensuring proper nutrition and diet. Most of us that have dogs usually also have a yard or space for them to run around and enjoy some fresh air. Some of us however take the dogs in town for their walks where you can run your errands as well and thus, do two jobs at the same time. However, ever so often a dog will get lost due to the owner’s negligence or because he or she is very friendly and simply wanders away within minutes. The Use of a Dog Collar Light Usually dog collar lights are provided for professional dogs that are used for rescue purposes in the snow, water or woods. Hunting dogs can use dog collar lights too to be seen in the dark when hunting and thus, being able to keep a watchful eye on the dog at all times. Many dog owners today will get a dog collar light even if their dog is not used for professional rescue or hunting especially if he or she wonders in the courtyard at night alone. The dog collar light is of great help in the dark to spot your dog at all times as they can be stopped from half a mile and sometimes more if you have a clear shot across. The dog collar lights are battery powered and you get to choose the color of choice. Facts about the Dog Collar Light Usually the collars that have the dog collar lights are made out of reflective material so they too can shine once the light is on. The dog collar light is generally LED in order to last the longest period of time. It is important you get dog collar lights with very low blink, as the fast blinks can be harmful for you and your dog as well. Conclusion The light on your dog’s collar will make your dog stand out of the crowd, literarily and that is what will make it unique. Besides, it will be safer in traffic and you will never have the fear of losing your dog again. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Simon @ 7:19 PM  |
Monday, November 19, 2007 |
Places That Offer a Coach Dog Collar |
If you are one of the many people that are looking for a Coach dog collar, then you are really in luck because you should know that there are many different places that you can go to and find a Coach dog collar at, and at an incredibly reasonable price as well. Finding a Coach Dog Collar If you are looking for a Coach dog collar, then you want to know that there is truly a multitude of options that are out there for you, however some are obviously better than others and so you want to make sure that you seed out the bad ones from the good ones so that you can get the best worth for your money and so that you can also be totally satisfied in the end. One place in particular that you can go to and find a Coach dog collar is at Big Dog Boutique, which is an alternative to that of high priced, foreign made collars, and which has an incredible selection of Coach dog collars for you to choose from, and so really no matter what it is that you are specifically looking for, you will be able to find it quickly and easily. They also have an excellent customer service center set up, so that if you have any questions or comments, you are able to make them and will get a response back quickly, thus helping you by saving you time, money, and effort overall. Another good idea if you are looking for one of these collars is to simply go onto the Internet, and then go onto any search engine, type in what you are looking for, and then a number of different links will pop up that you can go into and look and find the exact type of dog collar that you are looking for. The Internet is absolutely one of the best resources that you have in a situation such as this, as the speed and efficiency of it allows you to be able to quickly and easily find exactly what it is that you are looking for, and therefore you have less reason to get angry or frustrated, and you will save an incredible amount of time and effort in the end; just remember to have patience, and remember that you will be able to find what you want if you put the effort in. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Simon @ 7:00 PM  |
Sunday, November 18, 2007 |
Christmas Dog Collar: Add Sparkle to Your Pet’s Life |
At Christmastime, many pet ‘parents’ certainly want to gift their pets with a nifty Christmas dog collar that, unnecessary as it may be, will still add sparkle to the pet and provide it with a sporting look. There is much to choose from and one can find different features with which to adorn one’s pet. The Christmas Swarovski crystal dog collar is a case in point. It features small green and red Christmas trees that have lovely yellow stars on top of them. The smallest size of such a Christmas dog collar would set one back $170. Cynosure of All Eyes There is little doubt that a Christmas dog collar, when properly chosen, will help make the dog stand out and be the cynosure of all eyes. Such collars are also simple to make and require no more than sewing unique, artist-designed ribbon that are customized exclusively for such collars onto high tensile nylon webbing. They can also have polished brass buckles and a matching lead to complete the ensemble. The variety that is present in different Christmas dog collars can really set one’s imagination alight and one can choose from amongst Santa Claus and Mrs. Santa Claus, Christmas sheep dog, Snoopy Christmas, holiday stripe Christmas, snowflakes in red and blue, and many more different Christmas dog collars styles and colors. The Christmas dog collar will add flair and style while at the same time is practical. A matched collar and leash would certainly prove to be eye catching. With many and seemingly endless patterns, colors, fabrics, as well as textures, gems, and studs to choose from, there is no reason and certainly no excuse for not giving one’s pet a Christmas present that will make its day that much more cheerier. There are also many sources for obtaining Christmas dog collars and most stores will offer a big selection that need not cost the earth, and will yet be of good quality as well as fashionable. Using the best fabrics that are sewn over the webbing will certainly brighten the life of one’s dog, and with matching leashes; harnesses offer scope to develop on particular Christmas themes. The designs used include retro trees, peace on earth, ho-ho-ho in red and green, Star of David, green lights as well as Santas. The Christmas dog collar can provide practical usage, fanciful ideas or different forms, and one can choose from a full line of Christmas dog collars for all prices and colors as well as fabrics. In addition, it will prove to be effective in keeping the pet warm, while it looks stunning. Style for All
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posted by Simon @ 7:55 PM  |
Saturday, November 17, 2007 |
Burberry Has Fashions for People and their Pooches |
The Burberry Company designed a distinctive plaid that made their coats fashion icons. The company was famous for the excellent tailoring in their trench coats, and just a hint of the famous plaid sent a message of high quality. The Burberry Company increased their offerings beyond the trench coat, and now this excellent company has provided a line of fashions for the family canines. The company offers the most distinctive carriers and beds for the family dog that will definitely be a sign of appreciation to the family canine. The company also offers a wonderful line of clothes for the family dog. The Burberry parka will keep a precious dog warm and dry in the coldest part of the year, and the trench coat is just as distinctive as the ones made for human customers. The company offers a sweater for dogs in the plaid that made the company famous. A fashionable dog owner with items from Burberry in their wardrobe will now be able to match with their dog by buying a line of fashions for their precious pooch. The plaid sweater will match with a nice Burberry scarf or sweater worn by the owner of a well dressed dog. A Burberry Dog Collar For A Classy Canine A real treat for a wonderful puppy or mature dog is a Burberry dog collar. The company makes several great Burberry dog collars that will fit any treasured dog. The Burberry dog collar comes in some of the distinctive plaids from the designers of the company. The Burberry dog collar will coordinate well with the coats and parkas from the company. The Burberry dog collar will also provide a coordinated picture when walking the family puppy. The sight of a dog owner in a great Burberry coat walking a gorgeous dog in a Burberry dog collar will be magnificent indeed. An assortment of Burberry dog collars is available at the company website and at the outlets around the world. The rest of the Burberry line is also available including matching leashes. The prices are reasonable for such distinctive apparel so the proud dog owner will want to buy more than one collar from Burberry for their prized pooch. The owner of a dog that has a wardrobe from Burberry will be the proud owner of one of the most fashionable dogs in town. The dog will be a fashion statement in the classiest neighborhoods around the world. Technorati Tags: burberry dog collarPowered by ScribeFire. Labels: burberry dog collar |
posted by Simon @ 2:26 PM  |
Wednesday, November 14, 2007 |
The Many Uses of the Citronella Dog Collar |
Citronella dog collars are a training tool utilized by many to prevent annoying behavior in dogs such as chronic barking or running away. When used in conjunction with a buried fence, citronella dog collars utilize a citronella spray that emits from the collar when your dog barks excessively or get too close to the underground fence system. These collars are viewed by many as a more humane way of training your pet to avoid the shock that is present with other systems. What Is a Citronella Dog Collar? Citronella Dog collars are a system which replaces the old method of electronic emitters which cause an electronic shock to touch the dog when it is being a nuisance or closing in on an underground electric fence. Citronella collars emit an electronic chirp to warn the dog prior to entering into a negative behavior and then utilize citronella spray to prevent the dog from doing negative behavior. This citronella spray is natural and while usually not offensive to humans it can be distractive to the animal and prevent them from doing various behaviors such as barking or keeping them within certain boundaries. With the citronella dog collar the pet and owner can come to an understanding of proper behavior and boundaries. Through humane treatment you can feel comfortable in knowing that your pet is learning a behavior through a means that is both relaxed and productive to both of you. What the Citronella Dog Collar Is Not The citronella dog collar is a training tool that can be utilized by anyone wanting to work with there dog in learning the proper boundaries indoors or out. The collar is not a babysitting device that once attached the dog will automatically learn the new behavior so if you choose to utilize this device it is important to work with your pet in order to teach it behavior that is consistent with what you want. Researching training techniques or following the manufacturers instructions are important when utilizing this collar in order to prevent harm to your pet. Understanding that proper training is essential to proper behavior is important for pet owners to understand, since the citronella dog collar is an excellent and humane manner in which to train your pet to learn boundaries in your yard or in your home or to ensure that the behavior that may cause turmoil with neighbors is quashed. You and your pet will be happy when the citronella dog collar is utilized in this effective manner and avoid the confusion that could arise from improper training techniques. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Simon @ 10:06 PM  |
Dog Collars For Every Size Pet |
For the sake of safety and convenience, people generally put dog collars on their canine pets. Safety, in case they get lost most everyone will look at the collar for a dog tag and convenience when attaching a leash or hooking the animal up to a stationary post. Dog collars are also a great place to insert radio frequency identification chips as opposed to under a dog’s skin. Typically, when someone first gets a puppy, they will use a slip collar for taking it for walks but as it grows, the slip collar may be something the dog learns to remove and people will switch to traditional belt-style dog collars. Slip collars, also called choke collars, get tighter as the animal pulls or applies resistance and can sometimes cause damage to the dog’s throat or neck. The insertion of a radio frequency identification device is becoming more common and this chip allows most veterinarian offices to extract information about the dog, including the owner’s name, address and phone number to help get the dog back to its rightful owner. Having it in dog collars may be better than under the skin, but if you replace the collar, the chip also has to be replaced. Small Enough To Stay, Big Enough For Comfort When buying dog collars for your pets, you should consider the animal’s comfort and think how you would feel constantly wearing a belt around your neck. Many animals are not happy with dog collars at first and use their paws hoping to remove the distraction. Your collar needs to be of a size that fits snug to prevent the dog from pushing it over its head and yet larges enough to provide adequate comfort. If you are buying one of the belt-style dog collars, it should have more than one hole for the locking bar to slip into. These type dog collars are best as they allow for it to be adjusted to provide proper fit. This type is also available in a variety of colors and sizes to fit every dog as well as the owner’s need for colors. Chances are if you ask your dog to choose dog collars they will probably pick one that is not there. They probably do not care about the color or the width as much as having it on and not knowing it is there. Once they get used to wearing dog collars they may have a preference, but that is doubtful. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Simon @ 1:11 AM  |
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